Ecophyte bacterial fertilizer

Удобрение экофит

Ecophyte is a natural eco-friendly biofertilizer for plants from the largest Russian scientific and production centre Bioprom. It is recommended for increasing crop yields of cereals, corn, sunflower, wheat, potatoes and pulses, as well as for improving soils after using pesticides or herbicides. Better be used in spring before planting or in autumn before recultivation.

The product is based on soil nitrogen-fixing bacteria Azotobacter chroococcum extracted from soft kinds of soils. Its distinctive feature is that this hyperproducer of heteroauxin is 5-18 times higher in productivity than existing strains.

Ecophyte suppresses growth of phytopathogenic microflora such as Helminthosporium satitum, Botrytis cinerea, Pythium sp., Verticillium dahliae, Fusarium sp. due to the synthesis of a previously undescribed antibiotic (molecular weight 334, formula С20Н30О4, aliphatic tetraenoic acid ester).

Absolute safety!

The bacterial cells content of azotobacter in the product is at least 1 billion cells/g, no other microflora is included. The strain does not have any virulent, toxic, toxigenic or immunogenic properties (the Yerevan branch VNIIGINTOKS conclusion, 1989)

What is Ecophyte and what is it used for?

According to the results of tests in different climatic conditions Ecophyte is effective for the following agricultural crops: vegetables, green, technical, fodder and berry crops, potatoes, flowers, fruit trees, decorative and medicinal plants, conifers seeds and seedlings.

The correct use of Ecophyte provides an increase in yield from 12% to 38% and simultaneous improvement of the crop quality (reduction in the level of nitrates by 1,5-4 times, increase in the content of B vitamins, carotene and carbohydrates).

Norms for application of nitrogen fertilizers

Crop Dosage Application features
All crop types

0,4 l/ha

Solution consumption 400-1000 l/ha

In spring before ploughing, during or after

Grain crops

1,3-1,6 l/ton

Solution consumption 10 l/t

Pre-sowing seed treatment
Corn, sunflower

7 l/ton

Solution consumption 10 l/ha


0,15-0,17 l/ton

Solution consumption 10 l/ha

Perennial herbs (pulses and cereals)

0,4-0,5 l/10 kg

Solution consumption 10 l/10 kg


0,15-0,5 l/kg

Solution consumption 1 l/kg

Vegetable, decorative, fruit and berry crops

0,4 l/ha

Solution consumption 5000-10000 l/ha

Watering during sowing
All cultures

0,4 l/ha

Solution consumption 10000 l/ha

Root fertilizing
0,5-0,7 l/ton of soil Preparation of soil fertilizer mixtures

1,5-2,5 l/ha

Solution consumption 1000 l/ha

During recultivation of soil

Before applying microbiological fertilizers, make sure to familiarize yourself with the instruction. Our company has an assortment of nitrogen and complex nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers. You can purchase them either wholesale or retail at a favorable price.

You can order the best liquid fertilizer Ecophyte at a low price on our website.

We are not an online store but you can place an order by calling 8(49628)7-17-32 or 8(910)712-11-11. You can also consult our specialists about the types of fertilizers and prices for products.

Ecological and technological benefits right now!

Ecophyte is a nitrogen fertilizer of prolonged action aimed at improving the soil. The product is effective in open ground and indoors under a film. Most effective on soils with an average humus content, pH value from 4,0 to 9,0.

Ecophyte is recommended for use by the Geographical network of experiments with bacterial fertilizers, 1987.

Ecophyte was awarded the silver medal of VDNH in 1986 and the “Laureate of VVC” medal in 1992.

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