Bacterial fertilizer Bioplant

If you are wondering how to accelerate the decomposition of crop residues, Bioplant is right what you need.
This is an eco-friendly biological product made with the use of anaerobic acid-forming bacteria with high enzymatic activity and aerobic cellulose-destroying bacteria. Its task is to activate the decomposition of crop residues remaining in the ground after harvesting. It helps to save and restore the fertility of soil.
Bioplant is very popular among customers because it is natural and safe. No toxic substances are used in its production. Bioplant is one of the most effective fertilizers for restoring soils because it.
- considerably accelerates the residues’ decomposition process
- preserves soil nitrogen and speeds up the formation of humus
- enriches soil with extra nutrients
- suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora
- destroys a significant part of weeds
- kills soil insects and their larvae
- facilitates spring plowing
How to use Bioplant?
To make a fertilizer mixture, add water to the preparation of the necessary volume. Usually you need 200-300 liters per hectare. Then evenly spray the solution on the ground and plow it in the usual way. In order to make this technology more effective, water the ground abundantly or wait till it rains.
Restoring the soil fertility layer with the help of Bioplant is safe for humans, animals, birds, insects and fish. There are no special precautions for its usage.