Instruction manual

Instruction on liquid biofertilizers Ecophyte and Bactophosphine in agriculture

Introduction into the soil

In spring it is preferable to carry out the soil treatment before, during or after preparing the land for sowing, evenly spraying the entire cultivated area.

Before applying fertilizers of prolonged action into the soil, it is necessary to calculate the norm. For example, a hectare norm of a product of 400 mg should be dissolved in 1 liter of cold water (the temperature should be from +4°С to +20°С) and thoroughly mixed. The water must be non-chlorinated. Then the mixture should be introduced into the tank of a tractor sprayer, where the total volume is brought to 100-1000 liters with water. To reduce the volume of water, it is better to apply before the rain.

In spring it is advisable to conduct the soil treatment right after the snow melts, evenly spraying or watering the cultivated area.

Interaction with protectants:

When processing the seeds with a complex of fertilizers we recommend you to use disinfectants that do not harm bacteria. If there is no such opportunity, the treatment with biological fertilizers is carried out after processing with disinfectants at an interval of 2-5 days (preferably a week). It is not recommended to combine these two procedures because bacteria can die when being mixed with protectants.

Safety measures for operation, transportation and storage:

Store separately from pesticides in a dry ventilated room at a temperature not over 15°С and not lower than 20°С below zero. Direct sunlight is undesirable.


  • Storing a used solution for more than 1 day
  • Direct sunlight
  • Re-freezing the product
  • Mixing the product with pesticides

Instruction for the Bioplant fertilizer:

Best to be used after harvesting at the rate of 0,6-1,0 kg per hectare. The solution should be evenly sprayed over the soil and then plowed in the usual way. More effective when abundantly watered or processed after the rain. The use of BIOPLANT allows to efficiently increase soil fertility by eco-friendly methods.

Instruction for the Ecobioplant fertilizer:

Best to be used for spraying over the entire cultivated area. Spraying can be carried out in any possible way. The use of ECOBIOPLANT allows to effectively and eco-friendly solve the problems of environmental pollution.

Since many crops are growing in contaminated areas, the liquid biofertilizer Ecobioplant helps to protect the development of wheat seeds.

Instruction for the Tungicide fertilizer:

Best used in the form of an aqueous suspension and is to be sprayed over the surface of pools of various kinds, including fisheries populated with larvae of bloodsucking mosquitoes. The preparation of a suspension should be held right before applying. The dosage of the fertilizer TUNGICIDE depends on the type and depth of a pool and varies from 0,2 to 0,6 g/m2.

Ecological and technological benefits right now!

Bacterial fertilizers from the “Bioprom” company are included in the State Register of Plant Protection Products and Fertilizers allowed for use.

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