Cream “TAIS”



cream for improving skin, veins and joints condition with arnica and chestnut

(Certificate of compliance: TS № RU D-RU. ОМО02.В.06030)

«TAIS NEW» is a product of the latest Russian technologies based on ancient longevity recipes. It contains the substance of mushrooms grown in sterile conditions.

Mushrooms are a rich source of minerals, provitamins A and D, B vitamins, vitamins H and F, essential unsaturated oils, including arachidonic acid, phospholipids and ubiquinone Q10.

Price for 1 piece (200 ml.) is 300 rubles.

Delivery is paid separately.

Arnica and chestnut extracts positively affect skin and veins. These extracts tone up veins activity.

In pharmacology the effect of chestnut is due to glycosides – esculin and escin contained in this plant. They lower the viscosity of blood and slow down blood clotting, strengthen the blood vessel walls, remove clots and stimulate metabolic processes in the cell. Chestnut is indispensable when it comes to varicose, thrombophlebitis and disorders of the circulatory system in limbs (when the fingers are cold and numb).

Chestnut has even better effect in a combination with arnica. They say: “There is the paradise where arnica blooms”. Arnica activates the work of cells, has a powerful antiseptic, soothing and wound-healing effect, relieves tension and eliminates muscle cramps, as well as improves blood circulation.

This cream is recommended for various injuries, bruises, sprains, accompanied by subdermal hematomas. The cream quickly eliminates local mosquito bites, sunburns, thermal burns, jellyfish and nettle burns. Application of the cream as soon as possible after getting burns is recommended.

How to use: the cream is applied with soft massaging movements onto the problem areas 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications: individual intolerance of the cream components. Corresponds to GOST 31460-2012

Volume: 200 ml.

Storage conditions: store in a cool place.

Storage time: 12 months.

Manufacturer: "MAKOFARM-DGIZN", Russia

Moscow region, Lotoshino Urban District, Tsentralnaya street, 2

You can buy the cream “TAIS NEW” from our partners by calling 8(49628)7-17-32, 8(910)712-11-11, or by leaving a request on the website. You can find out the prices for complex fertilizers from our specialists.

Ecological and technological benefits right now!

Bacterial fertilizers from the “Bioprom” company are included in the State Register of Plant Protection Products and Fertilizers allowed for use.

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